April 9, 2022

Whether or not you're an artist, this could give you a new perspective on ministering through fine arts.
Equipped to Glorify God
I really enjoy writing about this because it’s one of the big ways God speaks to me. You don’t have to be a pastor of a huge church to minister. God has equipped you with your own unique talents to glorify him. When you sing, dance, paint, write, take pictures, or whatever God has given you to do, use it to glorify God.
Here on the team we minister through our gifts in lots of different ways. My personal favorite is dancing, even though I’m really bad at it. I love watching people use their gifts to glorify God in that form. Dancing tells a story, whether you’re acting out something from the Bible or making motions to a song. It’s beautiful!
Fine Arts in the Bible
There are a ton of examples of dancing in the Bible but, my favorite one is found in Exodus 15.
Here, the Lord has just brought the Israelites through the Red Sea. To praise God for what He's done, Miriam takes her timbrel and dances and sings with all the other women. You can give glory to God by rejoicing about all he’s done for you. If you woke up this morning, that’s a reason to rejoice! Singing is beautiful as well. For example, Mary sang from her heart in Luke 1.
Working As For The Lord
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.(Colossians 3:23). There’s a place for your talents in God‘s kingdom. Sometimes you don’t even know the impact you make on someone when you share your talents. Everything God has given you has a purpose. Don’t be afraid to shine your light through your gifts!